Choti si Khushi is a community based, volunteer-driven program to bridge the rising disparity in opportunities for children residing in urban slums. The program aims at nurturing the hopes, dreams, ambitions of these kids and attempts to raise the quality of lives of these children by means of education, empowerment, regular counseling and professional trainings.
Majority of children in our establishment belong to families where parents have never been to schools, and their children are the first generation learners. Due to poor economic conditions and nature of job of their parents, these children often do not get the required home support. We focus on providing after school facilitation classes to boost the foundation by channelizing the local communities and utilizing the available resources like community parks.
Ms Namita Choudhary,The President and Ms Sushila Om,The General Secretary of Choti si Khushi initiated their work with underprivileged children of Dwarka ,New Delhi .However they have perceived a larger picture an envisioned an organization who would work for the all-round development of the families of these children by including the mothers and other women of the household.
Choti si Khushi was registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, Registration Number S/RS/SW/1317/2015 with a distinct goal to work towards mainstreaming these slum children by getting them admission in Government and MCD schools and by providing skill development and literacy to the women so that they can lead a life with dignity.
Choti si Khushi has a strong belief that community participation would bring the desirable change in our society. It is one of the objectives of the organization to attract more and more people as volunteers so that the society can understand the need of these children and participate in their development.